As if a man who is laid off in the first place can afford to do without a paycheck, even a partial one.
We have eliminated a lot and will cut some more. I am so determined to save a lot more money in the future as we conquer these debts, so that I don’t have this “what next???” feeling anymore. It is not the way I want to live.
Why didn’t she have anything saved up? Living paycheck to paycheck is a step up for some people. Trying to keep up with the mere costs of day to day living, plus keep the debt collectors at bay, etc. leaves very little room for error and even less “extra” to save. Trust me on that.
Once we get a handle on this month, somehow, some way, we will work on next month.
Today, I reached the utility company and they agreed to lower the amount due for this month, and extend the full amount due out over the coming months, by adding it bit by bit to the current amount due each month. Woo Hoo! Higher utility bills in the future! Something else to look forward to. 🙂
To the person who suggested charging the bill this month – no credit cards. We got rid of them in an effort to work the Dave Ramsey plan and simplify our lives. We got tired to the fees, the interest charges, the terms changing like the wind and finally just stopped using them. When you stop using them, life really is easier.
I packed up all of the spring clothes that I ordered for our son and they will be returned tomorrow, so we will have that money back at our disposal. Our son will be without his new spring clothes. He won’t realize it, but I know it and it pisses me off. Still, we have to put it off for now.
Sometimes, you just get tired. Tired of the BS. Tired of the whole situation. Tired of the rat race. It is just ridiculous.