Ran the snowball calculator spread sheet

that was shared here on the list and it still shows us having to go until 6/2019 to be totally debt free—including both mortgages. But then I didn’t include for when we start getting our ss checks, since that is a year off. Me I’m not settling for that date or anywhere near that long. So I added two mystery shops for a total of $20 onto my errand list today. Dh will squawk, but I stopped at two and they are in the same parking lots I am already going to. Hey $2 to the next vacation fund and $18 toward the debt snowball works for me. LOL!

I just came in from running errands. One of which was to stop by the Social Security office to pay them off!!! The balance was only $580 and the minimum payment each month was $20, but it’s another bill GONE!!! I took it directly to them and asked for a receipt because I wanted proof we’d paid it in full as of today, just in case.
You see when you owe social security if you owe them even as much as a penny and you decide to go back on it they will hold your ENTIRE first month’s check and NOT give you the difference. If you owe more than one check’s worth they hold the checks until it’s paid and keep the change. So since dh is nearly 65 and will be refilling to get his full benefits this time next year we wanted the US government to have plenty of time to get it recorded on the books that he was paid in full. Look how long it took them to let us know we owed them money and how much!
As most of you already know up until age 66 you are limited on how much you can earn a year and not have to pay it back—that’s how we ended up owing them even though we told them to stop the checks after he went back to work—they are VERY slow in doing things. Well dh will turn 66 in Feb 2016, so he won’t meet that maximum in January/February of 2014. We were told to come in Dec 2013 and he’d start getting checks in January 201. Which means I could too—if they didn’t have a hold on his money. So you can see why we want proof we’ve paid them off. I may hold off on getting my first check until Feb 2016 though because I will turn 64 in January of that year and 64 is a higher level of income, maybe it might not be since he drew money when he was 62. The woman I spoke with today thought it might make a small difference in the amount of my check. We’ll know closer to time.

I was happily married for over 13 years

so I can say “been there, done that”. While our finances weren’t the problem, I’m still MORE financially secure since I retain 100% control over my money than I was when married. I think thats the part I have NO plans on ever giving up again. I have no plans of ever worrying about money again.

I’d have to keep up with the essentials

until he’s back to regular salary. If you can barely make it on unemployment, MAKE IT. In our area amounts earned while collecting unemployment are subject to additional money earned during those weeks. Better check into that with the UE office.

As far as the Pizza places waiting for the “Kids” to return…they’re stupid. Why not hire a MAN with responsibilities who NEEDS the job.
But with the price of gas – maybe he needs someplace else to work that doesn’t require gas money.

Well, several things just did not get paid

The utility bill, even spread out over a few months, had to be paid, so I called my brother, who paid it for us. We can not do without heat and electricity.
My doctor gave me some samples of some medication that was needed, that got us through until hubby got his first unemployment check.

I managed to list and sell a few things online, which brought in some $$$, but not the whole amount needed to avoid skipping some payments.

Several things just did not get paid. Plain & simple.
We are more determined than ever to bulk up our emergency funds so we are not at the mercy of a company doing this again. For now, we are prioritizing and paying the absolute essentials with the money that comes in. Once he is back to work full-time, we will forge ahead.

Hubby has been applying for more work. One thing he has encountered is this sense that people hesitate to hire him because “oh, he will just leave once the layoff is over”, even though he intends to stick around. We are determined to conquer the debt once & for all. He told them he would commit to 1-2 years if they want him to, in writing. Two offered him work, but only at the same shift he currently works. He won’t jeopardize his full-time job for a part-time job, which makes sense. He asks for a different shift, and the company balks. Like it is some kind of test or something. He is still putting his resume out there and is hopeful. Delivering pizza? He put his name in at a few places who are interested in hiring him, but they are waiting until the “kids” come back from their spring breaks before they will make a hiring decision. They advertised they were hiring. So, why aren’t they hiring?
The uncertainty is difficult.

Do you think your method is really working?

You are making people pissed off at YOU, not the debt, so therefore maybe you are wastign your berath and time and putting bad energy into the atmosphere because you are making people angry and upset.
YOUR method may not work for everyone. Not everyone needs TOUGH LOVE, some people just need education and guidance and they turn their whole life around. Has anyone on this list ever followed one piece of advice you’ve given with YOUR method?

Our landline phone, internet service and cable are all bundled

We have them on the lowest level plans offered.
Our cell phones DO NOT WORK inside of our house. With a small child in the house, we need a way to summon help if needed, so a landline stays.
We can’t cancel the cell phones, since they are under contract and have early termination fees.
We cancelled cable t.v. down to the absolute basic. Our t.v. does not work without some kind of connection. (Personally, I think it is a scam for this area. Where we used to live, about an hour away, you could simply plug the t.v. into the wall and get 10-15 channels. Not here. If you don’t have some kind of cable, all you get is static.)
The internet service has to stay on as long as possible, since it assists me in making a living. If I can not communicate with the office, no work.
In Ohio, you have to have insurance to drive. If you get caught without it, you will be fined very, very, very, very heavily. (Been there once with DH. No thank you.) If your car is financed, it must be fully insured. Since the cars are not paid for in full just yet, that is what we are facing.
We are trying to dig out of this hole. We are really working on it. Sometimes, I think that moving out of Ohio would be the thing to do. There are so many things that “you must” do.
Our credit card debt is minimal. Skipping is an option. Penalties will be steep and expensive. The interest rates will jump into the 25% – 33% range, depending on the account. Then, there will be the late fees ($35-50 per card.) If that puts you over the limit, there will be Over the Limit fees too.
It is the college loans, the mortgage, the car payments, the small loans that have to be repaid. There is one family loan, but we treat it like any other debt and pay it as well. Will never hear the end of it if we don’t pay it. We have called and explained that hubby is laid off, got the SIGH, huffy attitude and then “So, you are still gonna pay on time right?” Not kidding. This is what we are dealing with here.

Nobody gives a damn that my husband is not working is basically what I am saying. It is up to us. We are new to the Dave Ramsey way of life and we intend to work it to death and conquer our debts as soon as possible.
The news reported that in May the economic stimulus checks will be arriving. That will help. The income tax refund will help with the bills too. Hubby is waiting to hear from the people he interviewed with lately. He is also considering training to become a truck driver. Will learn more about this weekend.

How is the situation different?

Taxpayers pay for all mistakes through bankruptcy, hardship, social programs, debt reduction, etc. That is just a fact of life. If companies lose money on one customer who does not pay, they have to make it up by charging more money to the next customers.
Yes I am trying to change things, through forums, voting Libertarian, being a good example, etc… You give your advice your way and I will do it mine.

It’s not as though they’re asking their debt to be forgiven

or asking for a handout, they’re merely asking for a break in the payments regarding the time that they’re due, interest rate decreases, and minimum payment decreases. If a lender agrees to lower the interest and minimum payment for someone having a hard time making the payments, how is that forcing YOU to bail them out? It doesn’t even affect you.

You can tell people to “BE PREPARED” until you’re blue in the face, but even the best laid plans can fail. Life happens and sometimes there’s nothing you can do about it. The other night on Dave, a family had been on the plan and had a baby with severe allergies. They had to buy special formula to the tune of $2K a month! Things that we can’t control will happen in life and we all do our best to roll with the punche.
There’s a difference between being firm and showing someone where they made their mistakes and how to fix them and chastizing people for their mistakes. Just by virtue of being a member of this group, I would venture to guess that most, if not all, of the members here who are trying to get out of debt have realized the error of their ways and are working to fix it. By belittling them and asking why they were not prepared is not helping them.

Thanks for your Matt

I appreciate your opinion. I had to change my yahoo ID many times in order to view the posts so I would call it ‘banned’.
Cruel? I think most of the posts here are way to weak compared to the severity of the problem. Financial problems have lead to many divorces and you think the best thing to do is give hugs and kisses?
Matt, these people need tough love and real answers so that they not only feel good but are able to actually solve their own problems and
be financailly independent for the rest of their lives.