How do I get $1,000 in less than 10 days?

Right this minute, my husband has been laid off and we must pay our electric bill (including the heat) in 10 days way more money than we currently have. There are a couple of other necessities that must be covered as well. My income alone will not cover it all.
I am completely serious.
Any suggestions? We are new to this DR plan and don’t have it all in an emergency fund. Hubby’s last paycheck will go to some other bills that must be paid, including our car insurance (in Ohio, if you are uninsured, and pulled over, your life goes to hell quickly. Just as the “system” is designed.)

I will be listing a few items up for sale on Craigslist and eBay this week. Unemployment holds back a week, so he won’t get his first payment from them until after the due date for these bills that are due by the 20th of this month. Even with that, it is only a % of what he normally brings home.

Being in debt, having bills to pay and his being laid off really just sucks. We are so motivated to improve our financial picture.

Make no mistake, the local energy company will cut off the heat & electricity if they are not paid. Our toddler and I will be in our car at that time, since at least it has heat.

My hubby has been out looking for work and applying at several places, some of which have no openings. We are still hopeful. He is hitting several other places tomorrow. Right now, paycheck to paycheck would be a step up. I am sure some of you have been there.

Please pray with us. If you have any additional suggestions of where to get the $$$$, please share them…QUICKLY.

We started November 07

with 97k not including the house and we are at 67k now. Next week will be in the 57k range Woohooo!

This all said Dave’s message saved us from making some HUGE mistakes. We were going to buy a house with 100% down and 12k in the bank. Instead we moved to a cheap duplex cut expenses by over 1k a month and are paying off the debt like crazy people.
Our goal is to be done with BS2 by June 09….The math doesn’t add up yet but I think with some creative thinking it will work.
Keep your head up and make good choices every day. You will get there, good things will happen. Just a month or so ago a man making $11/hr gave away millions. Think steady and slow. We are here to help!

I took FPU last year

We changed some things and kind of did a budget but then charged a new computer, I
got another credit card, and well we finally reached a level of sick and tired of being sick and tired. We are both having job issues and do not have the freedom to make choices due to our current financial situation. So we are buckling down.

I have signed back up for the TMMO and am finding that very helpful. We are waiting on tax refunds and will complete BS1. I have completed our new budget for March and am eagerly awaiting to start BS2.

I have found some ways to cut costs but our biggest expense is gas and groceries. It is my husband, myself, 3 dogs and our son, Grey, who is 20 months old. We are still in diapers and that will change within three weeks.
I have showed this class material to two other people in the last two months. One is totally debt free within 30 days (had a small amount) and the other is still working on it. A co-worker and I will be going over her stuff tomorrow for her to work on becoming out of debt.
I listen to the Tom show but have yet to hear anyone paying off as much debt as my husband and I have. In the 8 years we’ve been married we have accumulated over $180,000. Yep that’s right. You can get up off the floor now…..over $180,000. Only $64K is our house.

Young and dumb! Now a little older and a lot smarter. I save every penny and cut everywhere I can. Well, enough about me. I’d love to hear about some of you.