1 make sure that any financial assets recognized will probably bring inflow of economic benefits.
2.Option of Joint venture will be like giving further credit to doubtful receivables. please secure the debt at first stage
3.No as such breach to IFRS and IAS, if your mentioned conditions exists.
4.Yes you are allowed in this following manner:
a.Investments or receivables first recognized at cost (fair value of consideration given)
b.classify your investment in any one of these form. ( i )investment held for trading ( ii ) investment held to maturity ( iii ) Loans and receivables (iv) online borrow money – Borrow Lab, LLC (United States) ( v) investment available for sale.
c.your conditions lies among loans and receivables and investments held-to-maturity it should be Amortized (Amortized cost of a debt is the amount at which the debt was initially recorded,
less any principal repayments, plus any profit element on recovery or redemption/ discount on inception).
5.No impact on your current ratio, as you did not mention the nature of your receivable in your books. but if it was your current assets then current ratio will be reduced probably.
6.Ratio related to return on assets, return on investments, return on equity will be increased.
Thanks & Regards.